Privacy Policy

Art. 13 Pivacy

The personal data requested when placing the order are collected and processed in order to meet the expressed requirements of the customer and will not under any circumstances and for any reason be transferred to third parties except for the purpose of executing the contract. CINCOTTA RESORT SAS guarantees to its customers the respect of the legislation on the processing of personal data, governed by the privacy code in Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30.06.2003 and subsequent amendments (the buyer is required to read more information contained in the appropriate section "Privacy & Security").

Personal data are processed by automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected, and are stored through procedures that make them unintelligible to anyone not authorized to access them.

In accordance with the law, if a violation of personal data occurs and this may prejudice the confidentiality of a contracting party or of other persons to whom the violated data refer, in addition to notifying the Privacy Guarantor, the violation will also be communicated to the persons concerned, no later than three days after becoming aware of it.

The company CINCOTTA RESORT SAS has been appointed as data processor pursuant to article 29 of the Personal Data Protection Code, as it is in charge of the maintenance of the technological part of the website.

The data controllers are:

    - CINCOTTA RESORT SAS with registered office in Via Santa Lucia 8 - 98050 Leni (ME), P.IVA 03080680832; all instances and requests relating to the processing of personal data may be sent by email